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“爽爽贵阳” 全域皆是景 四季均可游

2023-04-13 21:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Provincial capital harnesses natural assets to spur economic engine

Guiyang and Guian New Area in Guizhou set forth ambitious plans for tourism development

Since 2022, Guiyang in Guizhou province and its nearby Guian New Area have made great strides in fostering new growth drivers of the tourism market, upgrading industries and enhancing the popularity of the "Cool Guiyang" brand.

Known as the "Pearl of the Plateau" with beautiful high mountains, green waters and rare cultural legacies, Huaxi district in Guiyang has been awarded as a National Ecological Demonstration Zone and a National Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zone.

It is home to Qingyan Ancient Town, which boasts a history of more than 600 years and is the first national 5A-level tourist attraction in Guiyang, and two 4A-level tourist spots — Tianhetan scenic area and Shilihetan National Urban Wetland Park.

During the Spring Festival holiday in January, Qingyan Ancient Town received 265,000 tourists, ranking first in the province.

"A series of activities such as the Great Mingzhi have played a significant role in promoting nighttime consumption in the town and the nighttime passenger flow has risen sharply," said Huang Gang, chairman of the labor union of Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town Scenic Spot Management. He said that night tours in Qingyan integrates business, tourism and leisure and boosts the nighttime economy.

The popularity of the ancient town has also driven the development of tourism in surrounding villages. Longjing village in Qingyan has built a number of high-quality characteristic homestays and developed creative handicrafts featuring ethnic culture.

"The clothes are made of homemade cloth and the embroidery on the cuffs is in a classic style of the Buyi people," said Long Deyun, a villager of Longjing, who has introduced handmade products to tourists in his embroidery workshop.

In recent years, Guiyang and Guian New Area have promoted the industrialization of tourism based on its ecological advantages, continued to enrich the cultural connotations of the "Cool Guiyang" brand and created diverse products to meet market demand. Under the integration of culture and tourism, Guiyang has developed more micro-vacations and optimized tourism services.

All-for-one tourism

During New Year, the city launched a cultural event titled "Cool Guiyang, Beautiful Huaxi, Winter Fun Tour" focusing on mountain sports and tourism.

The event integrated tourism with intangible cultural heritage, folk customs, sports and music. It featured more than 90 activities such as camping, music festivals, hiking, rock climbing, motorcycle travel and healthcare.

During the event, Guizhou's first luxury camping base, the CREC Hongyan Xigu Camping Base, was put into operation. A paradise for outdoor sports and leisure travel, the base aims to become a national demonstration area integrating mountain sports, leisure, research and education, and ecological tourism.

The base is a model project in the Guizhou Huaxi International Mountain Sports Cultural Tourism Resort. It was built by CREC Cultural Tourism Group and the Huaxi government. As a major project of agricultural modernization and tourism industrialization, the resort spans 112 square kilometers of urban and rural areas in Qingyan, Qiantao and Gaopo and contributes to rural vitalization in Guizhou.

Hu Yongqing, general manager of CREC Cultural Tourism Group Guiyang Investment Development, said the company will focus on the three main businesses of tourism and vacation, elderly care and rural vitalization, and create various tourism scenarios of food, accommodation, education, sports, entertainment, medical care and housing.

Wang Min, Party secretary of the Huaxi bureau of culture, sports, radio, television and tourism, said the district will continue to promote the integrated development of "tourism plus" industries, upgrade services and accelerate the high-quality development of the region's all-for-one tourism.

In 2022, the district received 22.62 million tourists and realized tourism revenue of 26.52 billion yuan ($3.85 billion).

'Cool Guiyang' brand

Guiyang is revving up efforts in cultural tourism to fuel the industrialization of related sectors. In 2022, Guiyang and Guian New Area ranked first in the province in terms of the number of overnight tourists, per capita spending of tourists, growth rate in turnover of accommodation and tourist satisfaction. In the past year, Guiyang has attracted the headquarters of the travel service and social networking platform Mafengwo and 46 tourism-related enterprises, upgraded four tourism projects and operated a provincial tourism distribution center.

Guiyang ranks first nationally as a destination for summer vacation. This year's government work report of Guiyang proposes that the city boost the recovery of the tourism industry, expand the tourist source market and attract more than 60 tourism-related enterprises above designated size. The number of overnight tourists and per capita tourist spending are expected to increase by 15 percent and 10 percent, respectively.

Hu Lin, Party secretary of the Guiyang culture and tourism bureau, said the city will plan promotion activities throughout the year themed "appreciating flowers in spring, escaping heat in summer, and enjoying healthcare in autumn and winter", expand the domestic market, optimize services and attract more overseas tourists.


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